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Is this still in development or is it abandoned 


dudes making 3 games at once, so consider all of them to be abandoned.


i translated the wingdings: "You Would fuck a Catgirl would'nt you At least it's not something crazy right?"


is there a link for the dog story somewhere, that version of the game anyway


I still have it if you wanna add me on discord


yes please


Add bunbunbunbunbunbun

6 of them, for clarity.


do you still have it now?

Deleted post

You should have Elli give a footjob in furry form


Will there be more added to this game?


Says package is invalid on android?



Not even into furry but that was a blast! Is v.5 the end?


Is thier sound


no sound or music.
maybe in the future

OK thank you letting me know

Would you be willing in the future to seperate the stories like for example just having the furry one all by itself instead of multiple chapters in one game that are seperated.

not sure if it is added, but I think that's expected for an anthology. that is what got my interest in it. 

How many stories does it have and what are they about? Just, main points or tags,.


Taken one taboo story away? Added 2 for the same first taboo story. Thought additions would be more of all of them! Plus, there are exception errors left, right and centre!


because I'm uncertain if is okay with that story I removed. I rather stay on the safe side and don't cause any trouble.

and can you elaborate on the errors you're getting?
you are the first person to ever mention any.

Reply, well, the first couple was because I had a save for the one you took away, as I didn't finish it! Maybe put an uncensored version on a site like DiK games? Not the full game, of course. Because they'll put games on there where characters do all sorts of stuff!  :) I will uninstall and reinstall, and delete all saves, as maybe that one you took away still has that save, and could be buggering up stuff.

(1 edit) (+1)

As far as I know there are no rules against such fetish so you should be just fine here on itch! You can find such fetishes here in more then one game and because of that you could add a censored plus an uncensored version here for your own Peace 😉

Is there supposed to be no sound?

i feel like you april fooled us with the update becuase its over a week now

uploading it right now, sorry for the delay :)

new update?

It's almost here :D

is the new update ready?

I didn't realize you made the awakening but the animations looks familiar big fan is there gonna be a continued story with Eli or is that it?

working on one right now, should be ready in a few days


please write dev log when you update or it wont show in our feed and we wont know when its updated


nice. gib me more


I don't know why they flagged my page, but I sent them an e-mail to
I've been having my other game on this website for years and didn't have
a single problem, but now they think I'm suspicious...


I think someone didn't like you or they didn't like your game and reported you. stupid people .

you cant download it more when you click the link you get WARNING: This Page Has Been Quarantined

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You can download it,  there will be an additional button you can click to accept the risk and I can assure you there is no such risk.

Yes, thanks, didn't look like there was a button, but it works. i have been following slim almost since the beginning and i can confirm that it is safe.

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oh yes, so glad this is on itch now, I remember coming across this on the Lewdzone website. Excited to see what we get in the future.


Why is the page quarantined

yeah i like to know why it comes up like this 

WARNING: This Page Has Been Quarantined

Our system has flagged this page for additional review due to potential suspicious behavior from the page owner.

If someone has asked you to download from this page and you don't fully trust them or their behavior isn't what you recognize then we don't recommend downloading this file until our team has reviewed the page.




this is actually old im guessing this isnt your game and you are just sharing it around


Explain more, please.

I never published it on
your guess is wrong

So if it's an old game, I resume it won't be updated?


working on an update right now. should be out in ~2 weeks

Well, that's brilliant - love the Ellie and Mia stories!

lol i didnt pay attention who the publisher was tbh im in your discord and yeah i remember this on f95 years ago so when i saw it here im like well i guess someone is ripping the game and resharing it