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Got the game but am curious of how much choice I have playing. So far I'm getting dialogue options with only one option. Which makes me wonder what's the point of the dialogue options if I'll only have one option. Is this just the beginning of the game or a prelude for how the game is play with little to any options?

Great game so far, sad how some of the characters designs got altered

Paid for the full version. Having trouble getting it to begin downloading (android port) just get connection timed out over and over? Any fixes?

so after the dinner and eving with Abby is that the end of everything for now? I seem to be stuck if it's not lol great content


I can't seem to enter the Manager's room with Juliet after our date even though i filled the affection bar there's just one choice being shown ditch Juliet 


Same thing is happening to me 

I found a solution i played all the other characters to the end and then went after Juliet 

I did that to but its still bugged.

Same problem.

i think it's only available in the paid version 

(2 edits)

okay how do you scroll down to see the other images in the gallery? I've tried to click and scroll both down and up but that didn't work and I see now scroll bar, so I'm just super confused. 

should work with your mousewheel scroll. or if you're on a laptop with two finger scroll.
you can also click the space between images, hold it and drag it.
unfortunately it's a little buggy, but it's a bug of the engine. so it will be updated when the engine has the new version.

thank you so much!!


a question. If I already bought the game, will I have to buy it again in future updates? 🤔

Just bought the game after playing the free version. Awesome by the way. Yet when trying to download your link is timing iut and cant download the game fyi.


oh, I'm sorry.
I'll see what I can do about it. 

I would love to host the game directly on but their size limit is 1gb. I will ask them again if they can give me more space and hopefully there won't be any issues anymore.

sorry again.


Got it finally no worries just had to keep trying!! Thanks and no worries!! I will be sure to rate agter completion!!


Love the new update but so far no voices and the formatting showing as  their Title [Name] for some of the characters is very distracting.  Is there a way to fix this? I'm playing 4.3b on PC


I'm gonna go over it and polish it up.
currently I don't have a big enough income to afford any voice lines, sorry.

no worries. The VN is awesome. I was more asking about the occasional Name(Title), for landlady and roommate, that pops up in dialogue. Not a huge issue just wondering if that happens because of something I did,  like changing the names and titles.

no, not your fault. 
I just recently added it and haven't gone through the game and made sure that everything works out. But I'll have it all fixed until the next update

Ok i have a question...

I have the 4.3a version downloaded but now the 4.3b is out now but i need to pay for it, but the only one that's available for download is the 3.3 version... how did I get 4.3a???

I know I've been downloading the game from here I didn't get from any other website I'm a little confused

0.4.3a was free in march.
you don't have to buy 0.4.3b as it only contains bug fixes and integration of the halloween special

Ooh alright thank you I was worried for a second thanks.

I've been a fan for ages but never got told about that when it was free so how can I get it without paying cause I'm broke af

(1 edit)

How to transfer saves?
Pretty sure you've said before but I'm trying to transfer the save files/folder but it isn't working

Also tried overwriting the entire past game version with the new game, but no luck, it remembers what I've done in the gallery, but none of the saves.
And when I can get it to show the saves, it can't run any of them, just shows up with a million errors. 

depends from what version the saves come from.
if you try to import saves before version 0.4.3 they won't work as it's a completely new game.

oh ok, yeah trying to import to 0.4.3 I believe.

Is there a walkthrough for it yet, or is that not made yet?

Just a heads up, typically, versioning implies backward compatibility. MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, so patches to existing content (or fully backwards compatible fixes) increment last digit, Minor impact the second digit (things that may break content but should still be compatible with existing saves), and Major means you need to start over.

Using this gives a hint to folks who know previous versions what to expect on loading.

dude i remember this game from ages ago, back to a time where i thought it didn't have porn because the videos i watched on youtube never showed them.


yeah I don't think they could show the porn part on youtube 😅

Hi dev first of all your game is great and is there any chance of optional impregnation in future updates for this game and keep it up buddy keep doing good work I just love your game one of my top 10


you can do it with Juliet for now, others will come too, but might be waaay later in the game

Keep it up buddy 😉


 I love your game  keep up the good work. Bro🔥🔥💪🏽

Can you please include the German translation from Version 0.3.3 in the current version, or is the dialog different?


Love this game wish there was more content. Anything that could possibly speed this up? I am so eager for more


Making the renders takes up the most time, and coding usually takes 1-2 days. and writing is done by my partner.

I can't really think of anything that would make things go faster.
As long as I have some money to pay rent and eat food I'm fine ^-^


makes sense. If there is anything else I'd be more than happy to help out.


Hello SLim_Games is your 5 $ fee a One time payment or do I have to purchase every update ? 

I appreciate the work involved bought version 0.3.3 200 days ago, saw you'd brought out 0.4.3, put another 2 dollars in, which I thought would get me the latest version, doesn't look that way ?

(1 edit)

I don't know how if that works.
because 0.3.3 is free and the 2 dollars might just count as a donation.

I paid 3 dollars for the free version ???

I don't know what you paid, because it was always set to "pay what you want" you could also get it for 0$

How far off do you believe you are from finishing this game? I'm loving it so far, a good amount of time sunk into it and I've been following the development for a bit I guess. Definitely would pay 20 bucks for the final version

P.S. I was lucky enough to download the recent version before your page got taken down


hard to say, maybe 50%?
I was thinking about 10$ for the final version, but I'm not sure yet. 

yeah that with patreon is a bit of a let down. I'm uploading the new version here soon


What happened to patreon page?


under review by patreon staff...I hope the issue will get fixed soon

Deleted 1 year ago

Had a whole series of glitches along the way, the last one being when Juliet and the protagonist are on the pier and she gives him a footjob in the Manager's office. Clicked ignore to carry on but is fourth time on the 0.4.3 version

Download updated v0.4.3a, notice the ->a<-.



i know due to some rules but is there a way to change the landlady and roommate dialog?

I am also wondering this? Is it a patreon exclusive thing? Is it planned for the future?


check out the newest version:
it is currently free to everyone, but only this month!!
enjoy <3

Deleted post

its for free on patreon, just download it there

Deleted post
(+4) will always have the free version of the game, which will be updated after this month.
and I plan to put the game on itch when the game is complete.

(1 edit) (+4)

There is a newer version of the game I found on their Patreon site: Final Prologue Update |  SLimGames auf Patreon

its 0.4.2 beta version final 2.

The 0.3.3 from this site doesn't even work for me, it said I am missing the prologue.


yeah the games cool but the story is a mess with the different versions 

when id the next update

Will there also be an update here, or do I have to get the latest version via Patreon?

Playing the merged version and I'm still only about 5 minutes in - MINOR SPOILERS FOR ANYONE WHO HASN'T PLAYED THE PROLOGUE - But when thinking about Linda, you say "I hope she isn't still mad at me, though her breasts did feel quite nice" or something to that effect, but no matter the choices in the prologue, you never even touch her breasts?
Just a bit confused, is this a typo, a canonical story change, or...?
Thanks, this isn't a bit deal and I am enjoying the game a lot so far, it's obvious you've put a LOT of effort into it!


According to their Patreon, 

Dec 4, 2022 Final Prologue update


to be clear - on thier patreon you can download an updated version (0.4.2) of the game for free

Next update?


The game has been abandoned from what I can see. last update was back in 2019


if you press more information, it says latest update was 99 days ago (around 2022 September), they just haven't made an update log since 2019.

thnq very much 

MIght be my favorite visual novel. Very interesting story and beutiful girls, Linda and Liz are my favorite. Looking forward to the continuation.


Thought this was dead dead


Wdym thought, isn't it s till dead?


Updated  62 days ago

Is there going to be a Version 0.4?


Yes there is. Latest version is 0.4.0c, but only in Patreon

Hope we get that in itch soon.



How did you develop this game?

What engine, how did you make the models, etc?

I want to make my own games and this would help a ton!


Pretty sure its Daz3d models in the Unreal engine.

Hmmm I also think it's HoneySelect2


its not honeyselect2 its daz you best bet is to use unreal engine for this to create a game.

HoneySelect2 is a lot more "cartoony" like Eternum. This is more similar to Daz

(1 edit) (-1)

Oof, you had the MC overreacting a bit to a store worker literally helping him. Otherwise, I'm enjoying the game.

Edit: Disappointed MC seems like a jerk in the Halloween special.

(1 edit) (+4)(-10)

bruh slim your discord is cool an all but, I like that you put hard work into this story game, Thank you for doing so much into the game, And do like the changes, Please please your  rude ass admin have no rights telling me cannot  Message you in the discord. That is why left a long time, I won't put up with it not that kinda gal.

Amazing game for real please tell me the next update is soon to be released 🤌🏻

it was updated about 18 hours ago


Where can I find it ??

Hey Slim, wondering if there will be a family patch in the future since it has landlady, roommate etc... in the newly released game? Tried looking at a well known mod patch website couldn't find it listed. Let me know if your gonna make one in the future or if a fan-made one will come out. Thanks


I would love that also but who knows :3

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