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cute game <3(✿◡‿◡)

Will there be a download for HTML5?

A download for HTML5? What do you mean?


Are you still working on this game or have you just moved on to a new game?

Check the dev log, pretty sure this game's still goin'a be updated

By "new game out" does this mean simply an update of completed game?


what fetishes are in the game and what are planned?


In the end of juliet first date i can only refuse, how to accept?

I believe that's the case for the free version. If you download paid version you can access all parts. It's worth it.

Oh i see, thx for the reply ❤


My computer crashed and I would like to redownload the game without having to pay for it again


Nice Try Diddy


Any new updates on awakening? 

(1 edit)

guys i cany see Juliet contact in phone option





Why does MC abandon Juliet in the bathroom?


Why is the android file so much smaller than the others?

iam a little disappointed in moving from this great game hes got going on but cant blame an artist for having to change it up a bit when he comes bcak maybe ill hit his subscribestar


So... Itch is an all ages platform? why is it something like this is already seen by pic alone? Like... This platform needs a major sting ngl.


The only platform I haven't seen any adult stuff on is Epic.  So, whatever you're talking about, good luck with that.


You can simply turn off the visibility of such games.

The fact that you are here means that you included the “Adult” tag, which means you are here on purpose. What is the problem?


yeah, not safe for kids, unlike searching for transparent clothing haul on youtube, lol.  


Great game, played free, and just downloaded the paid version. 

A suggested preset for Abby/Liz could be Step Mother/Sister as well? 

Good work gang!


Why would you work on a new game when you haven't finished this one???

(1 edit) (+8)

Indeed, I am a little annoyed also since I paid for this game and we’ve had no updates in a long time. To see a new game being developed & launched is a bit of a slap in the face.


It definitely gives the impression that he's lost interest in this game because he doesn't want to remake the whole game in the current art style (not sure how much is left for him to upgrade) and is bored of the direction it was heading so he'd rather make something new to get that honeymoon feeling back about a project. 

I would much prefer he get this game to a 1.0 before moving on. It would also give me much more confidence in paying for this game and any future ones he plans to make. 


When will there be an update for this game? Need new content.

Wow! Took a year to come up with a release?

considering it may be a small team or even a solo creator, i kinda undertand it...


When is an update on this game coming?


I would like to ask how do you unlock the last fairy scene for the paid version?

its probably the one where you pay the stripper to fuck you


No, in the paid version there are 2 other scenes


the paid game won't start for me, I have this issue with other games as well, but the free one does start


when will there be more content for ftp?


can play this on xbox one


dawg wha


will it become free over time or is this a demo data? I sadly can't just get everything.


I miss 2 secrets. 

3rd row 1st one ( so 9nth pic)

7th row last one. ( 28th one )

any captain ?


I really hope the character reference handling improves from "Oh, hi, Mom (Abby). I didn't hear you come in."  The game's pretty impressive otherwise so far, but every time those parentheses show up in a sentence is like nails on a chalkboard.  They look out of place at the top of the dialogue box too, but it's particularly egregious in character speech.


Seconded. would be nice to turn off in the options or something. I assume its to prevent confusion when non PCs talk to each other, but other games just fix that by writing the dialogue with that in mind instead of relying on macros to fill in every name slot in every conversation.


I'll be tertiary in this comment. I could only handle it for a few minutes before I decided to shelve this IP until it is changed.


Trash AVN/H-Game.  You've essentially made the MC a rapist.  Absolute fucking garbage.  Seek mental help.


ikr, and in GTA we are a fucking serial killer. We live in a world...


man I really love this game. The visuals and story are amazing! The only thing that bothers me is the mom constantly saying "Tennant" instead of "Son". Kinda kills the mood a bit but over all 10/10 game and don't regret purchasing it. Looking forward to future updates! :)


NO VOICE on download to windows. It was working on the free version, paid not working. RPA files look okay under game folder.

What is the fix after , reinstalling and restart???


Quepor  no me deja hablar con nadie ya se acabo


if i buy do i gwt permanent access to future updates? or is it a buy per update kind of thing?


yes you get permanent access to future updates


Hello there.

Is NTR part of the game? Hopefully it is 

(1 edit) (-1)

hey i am at a standstill in the game i have paid version i just got done with the gym and all girls on phone hints say upcoming and i cant seem to advance anymore have i reached the end end of content? and if so when is next release? 

the strange thing is in the gallery im seeing tons of scenes i have not seen in my playthrough.. im confused


That... Drastic model change mid playthrough in the early hours of the game, between the mother and daughter( or whatever relationship you wrote) you live with was legit overly jarring. The sudden voices were one thing, but changing the visuals like that feels quite distasteful. Other than that I do appreciate this games vibe and story (minus being an idiot and tapping on the stall 3x moment)

I look forward to future story content


What is the difference between paid and free versions

The Free Version cuts off after a certain point, think of it like an extended demo

I can't find last two hidden item for gallery image I have checked and rechecked every single corner of game but I couldn't find . Does anyone know ? And also in the upper last image there a image by written happy easter what does that mean . Is this image actual in the game or its only a image 


I don't want to spoil the game for anyone but perhaps just rethink your choices when you first meet Linda and trust the force, Luke!

Oh and if Dev sees this comment, kudos for that! 😉👏👏


I remember playing this many years ago. It wasn't exactly uhm... Well it's improved immensely, and I'm happy you not only stuck with it, but improved on it this much as well. I found it had real potential, and good ideas. Now it reads and looks really good and is a game to be proud of. 

Keep up the good work

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