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I'm on the fence about this game.

The premise is pretty good, but none of the plots have gone anywhere yet.

I appreciate you consolidating all those seperate files into one; Man it was confusing before!

I'll keep watching to see where this interesting game goes!


what do you get when you pay $5 USD or more?


all future updates


it would be cool if each woman had several outfits they could wear, and you could pick from which pants, heels, shirts, bra, panties (yes/no) for them to wear while your getting a blowjob. man having that much control, would be cool.

When will this be back available to download on Itch after purchasing? I would like to purchase the game. 

can not purchase game thru itch. same error msg as devon_04 said. Plz fix


This is officially my favorite game ! After reading some reviews I had to try it & I am so glad I did. The story is good & the scenes are fantastic. Thank you for your hard work on this game devs ! I'll be purchasing this today ! Look forward to all the new updates !


lmao why do you have a dislike on your comment ?

why dont you use patreon?

maybe this is a dumb question but if I purchase the game, i will get the next update free?

i tried to buy the game and it wouldnt work, can someone help me with this? also after purchase is there a lot more content on the game?

You can't buy on itch anymore

where can you buy it then

You can try Patreon, or maybe off another site like FAP nation

Hi, i tried to buy the game but it wont let me, please help.

this message showed up when i tried to buy it.

There was an error processing your payment:

  • This Connect account cannot currently make live charges. The `requirements.disabled_reason` property on the account will provide information about why this account is currently disabled. If you are a customer trying to make a purchase, please contact the owner of this site. Your transaction has not been processed.

oh, that's weird... I'll see what I can do

I'm getting the same error. Hopefully itch can get it working soon.

I will say, I really like this game. It's funny, It's relevant, there are features about the gameplay that I'm thankful for. I've been really SUCKED into these kinds of games lately and I will attest that this is the best one so far. I played the free version and gave a tip when I paid for the full version. I think it's that good. Go ahead and take a snort of that free version and you'll be HOOKED!!!!!! 

wont it say your account doesnt accept live charges i was going to pay 5 for the game well your lost


whats with the juliet character?  firstly, she doesnt show up in your phone. then after the date, your only option is to ditch her on your date. is this a glitch or how the games supposed to function?


need full game to play past that option


Then the game should say that tbh

Is the game only in English?


I gues so, but so u learn english in a way u have fun


this is by far one of the best games I've played! I need an update ..PLEASE! Does anyone know when next update will be released? thanks


Juliet is not showing up on the mobile, how do I fix this bug? I have the paid version. 

There are some oddities in the vocabulary, do you have anyone proofreading the dialogue?

Now i am at the point with the pocket pussy, to play more i have to pay right?

Where's that?? I have the 4.3 version and have finished all the hints available but never saw that part?

Idk at the end of the story ypu can play for free, i did the download without paying and then played a few houers, now the story i can ply for free is over

I love that real content

is this an harem or one girl kinda deal?


I have a question I've had this game for a few hours and its amazing and im thinking of getting the paid version but what does the paid version give me since it doesn't tell me


it gives you alot more to the story, all the stories end before you actually have full on sex with the characters, the paid version gives you ALOT more to each of the individual stories ^^

its a great game overall, i have no problems with it, i just got it today and have been playing for 5 hours!

(1 edit) (+2)

Soooo Question - i read overall the Comments there are som issues with the Phone Messages... and it was said it´s because it´s free Version. But i paid for 0.4.3b and i still got the "Pling" and Symbol for a new Message from Juliet but can´t find it - so is this still not the fullest Version available or it´s a Bug? And if it´s still cut-down-Version... where can i get the full one?

Thanks for Answer,

Great Game so far!

Why android version just 700mb…someone pliss tell me


It must be because of the quality of the renders, normally a port to Android usually implies lowering the quality of the images so that more phones can run it


Ooo…I thought they are rasist just because it’s “Android”…they don’t gives what other platform got like new version or Easter egg…sorry for judge…🗿

that's not how "racist" mean

(1 edit) (-1)

Is this a one time purchase or will I have to pay another $5 when the new update releases?

Also it seems that I'm nearing the end of content even though I haven't been playing long. How much is behind the paywall? If there's enough to justify it I wouldn't mind paying, especially for more Margaret. 


Hey so i paid for the full version. Is there a way to transfer data from the free one to the full version? 

look in the folder of the game there should be a save folder under game then start the new patch / the paid version, close it again now there should be a save folder where you should simply drag the game saves (in the normal case)

Will there be a paid version for Linux?

The windows version includes the needed libs and binaries for linux, only the icon is missing.


Same problem as most can't advance Juliet have to ditch her and struggle to see messages on phone and close phone screen. Otherwise enjoying the game, great animation.

Apparently you need to pay to get the full version of the game and to enter the room with Juliet

ah well that makes sense, is it like that with all the girls? 


Ahh! That's not cool but I guess it is understandable without knowing this it looks like the event is bugged


I'm with Juliet at pier and won against her in air hockey. Get max affection here.  After when it's time for scene the only option I get is to ditch her and end relation (the red text)?


i guess more is in the next update, its teh end of her content sadly


If i Buy the 1.4.3 version, i only get acces for that version or i can get all versions after this? 


Just curious, you plan on bringing any of your games to steam?


So I'm having a bit of an issue with the latest version. Once I play past the new content, my phone never updates my contacts. For instance, I just... don't have Juliet in my phone. I'm on her date on the pier, and I have no choice other than to ditch her, and my phone says I got a new message, but it's not from Abby (mom), Liz(sis), or Linda, so I can't see it. There was one time I was somehow able to pull up a message list from Juliet (probably because I had to pick a pic to continue the storyline) but it was a weird glitched version of the phone.

Playing on PC.


same problem


(2 edits)

ive found a solution for the new message glitch: when you get a new message try clicking on top of the phone where the time is, that should open the message, it only works when you get a new message notification though. other than that, you can't see any old messages besides those of Abby, Liz, and Linda sadly...

hope this helped!

Edit: I've only tried this on phone, I don't know if it works on pc!

Cant install the Awakening0.4.3b (1).apk says it's invalid ? 

Deleted 1 year ago

     If you're looking for older versions of this AVN or any others. Check out They allow user to choose different versions of games to download.  

     Also, I just to say to SLim that throughly enjoy this AVN. The Renders, Animations, and Characters all look awesome. The story is good too. Better than others using similar Plot Device. This is one of the first AVN's I played and yet I still come back through it again and again. Excited for more content of course.  Liz, Linda, & even Abby (not usually into milfs). Those three are my favorite Waifu's from any AVN's! And well hell, the Twins, Juliet, and even the Trixie (Fairy) all are pretty hot too.




Por favor traduccion al españo


Hey guys I lose your discord server 😭 I try so many time to find the new link to rejoin it but I can't so I have a request to you please update the discord link for us to join 🙂

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